Argos’ Sustainability Efforts Honored

For the second consecutive year, Argos was awarded the Silver Class distinction in RobecoSAM’s Sustainability Yearbook for its commitment to economic, environmental and social sustainability. RobecoSAM, a private entity that independently qualifies the companies that are a part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, has been listing the most sustainable companies of every industry worldwide in its Sustainability Yearbook since 2004.Argos 400

Every year, more than 3,000 companies from around the world are invited to participate in RobecoSAM’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment. On this occasion about 820 companies accepted the invitation to be classified, according to their results, into the Gold, Silver or Bronze categories. For each of the 59 industries, the company with the highest score is recognized as “Industry Leader.”

“At Argos, sustainability is one of the fundamental pillars that outline all of our actions and that make us commit to working within a context of high standards in this field. This is why we are so pleased to have been included, one again, in the Silver Class category, which not only recognizes our sustainable management, but which also challenges us to continue consolidating ourselves as a solid company that creates long-lasting value and benefits,” said Maria Isabel Echeverri, Argos’ vice president of sustainability.

Argos is one of only three cement companies worldwide that is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. In 2014, it improved its score and it was included in the World and the Emerging Markets Indices.

In the social dimension, the company obtained the top score in the industry, with topics such as transparency, risk and supply chain management standing out. In the environmental dimension, its score was almost double that of the industry, with aspects such as biodiversity, international product standards and water-related risks being some of the most noteworthy ones. Finally, in the social dimension, the company managed to progress significantly in aspects such as labor aspects of human rights and relations with stakeholders, matters that are considered priorities and that are consistent with the company’s sustainability strategy.

The results published by RobecoSAM provide a perspective of the investments risks and opportunities in each country, seeking to create value and build up investors’ trust in the long term.

To view the Sustainability Yearbook 2015, visit

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